UEMS section Geriatric Medicine welcome pack
Welcome to the section Geriatric Medicine. Your National Medical Association (NMA) has nominated you as one of their representatives for Geriatric Medicine in Europe. Our section is a body of the overall UEMS organization (see www.uems.eu).
In comparison with our partner EuGMS, the academic society that organizes the yearly congress and provides other educational materials, the UEMS section GM is more the political body working on setting international guidelines to improve the level of patient care for the elderly, harmonize training and diplomas in Geriatric Medicine in Europe, and allow free work traffic of geriatricians.

Three times a year we have a Full Board meeting, always on Saturday. One of the meetings is immediately after the EuGMS congress in the same city, the other meetings are videoconferences. During the meeting, updates from all countries are given, and actual topics like European Training Requirements (ETR), European examination, pre- and postgraduate training are discussed. In between meetings the FB members are informed/consulted by e-mail, when necessary. And input by delegates is of course very welcome.

The President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by the Full Board members for a period of 4 years, and can be re-elected. At this moment the members of the Executive Board of the section are: Jurate Macijauskiene (President), Jaap Krulder (Immediate Past-President), Mark Anthony Vassallo (Secretary) and Didier Schoevaerdts (Treasurer).

The President and/or Secretary of each section are invited to join the biannual UEMS Advisory Board (= sections) and Council (=representatives of NMA’s) meetings, where topics like ETR’s from sections, postgraduate training, European examination are discussed. The President of the section, or a substitute, represents the UEMS in the biannual EuGMS Full Board meeting.

Representatives from EuGMS, EAMA, IAGG-ER are observers at our meeetings.

We look forward to working together to improve health care for older patients across Europe.

Geriatric Medicine - Section of the UEMS
The UEMS Geriatrics Section has two delegates from each member country, and meets on a biannual basis.
The following delegates serve as members of the executive committee of the Section in 2020-2021:

President: Jurate Macijauskiene, Lithuania
Past President: Jaap Krulder, Netherlands
President Elect: Vacant
Secretary: Mark Anthony Vasallo, Malta
Treasurer: Didier Schoevaerdts, Belgium

The UEMS Geriatrics Section is one of 43 specialist sections of the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists).
Geriatric medicine is a recognized independent medical specialty in 17 of 31 European countries, a recognized subspecialty in 10 countries, and in two countries (Germany, France) both models (independent specialty and subspecialty) exist. Only 5 countries (Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Portugal and Slovenia) do not have a recognized postgraduate medical degree in geriatric medicine as of 2016.

For historic and structural reasons the organisation of geriatric medicine varies between European countries.
The UEMS Geriatrics Section addresses common issues shared among all countries. In previous work, the Section proposed on a uniform definition of geriatrics (with translations in many European languages) and on minimum requirements for training in geriatrics as part of undergraduate medical training.
Currently, the key focus of the Section is the definition of standards of postgraduate training in geriatric medicine.

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The UEMS Geriatrics Section is one of 43 specialist sections of the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists).

Geriatric medicine is a recognized independent medical specialty in 17 of 31 European countries, a recognized subspecialty in 10 countries, and in two countries (Germany, France) both models (independent specialty and subspecialty) exist. Only 5 countries (Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Portugal and Slovenia) do not have a recognized postgraduate medical degree in geriatric medicine as of 2016.

For historic and structural reasons the organisation of geriatric medicine varies between European countries.
The UEMS Geriatrics Section addresses common issues shared among all countries. In previous work, the Section proposed on a uniform definition of geriatrics (with translations in many European languages) and on minimum requirements for training in geriatrics as part of undergraduate medical training.
Currently, the key focus of the Section is the definition of standards of postgraduate training in geriatric medicine.


Health Care For Older Adults In europe

Article by Andreas Stuck and Tahir Masud.

Read it here - cklick

Presidential Message

 European Training Requirements Geriatric Medicine 

The European Training Requirements Geriatric Medicine were approved at the UEMS Council Meeting on 17 October 2020. Our next goals are to update the pregraduate training requirements and establish a (voluntary) European examination in Geriatric Medicine.

See the document here
