geriatrics in United Kingdom

The British Geriatrics Society

The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) was founded in 1947 for “the relief of suffering and distress amongst the aged and infirm by the improvement of standards of medical care for such persons, the holding of meetings and the publication and distribution of the results of research”.

It is a professional association of doctors practising geriatric medicine, old age psychiatrists, general practitioners, nurses, therapists, scientists and others with a particular interest in the medical care of older people and in promoting better health in old age. It has over 2,700 members worldwide.
The BGS is an advocate of equal access to health care treatment. It believes that all older people should be entitled to a comprehensive assessment, a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan, regardless of their age.

The BGS uses the expertise of its members to inform and influence the development of health care policy in the UK and to ensure the design, commissioning and delivery of age appropriate health services. The BGS works closely with other specialist medical societies and allies itself with age-related charities.

The BGS strives to promote better understanding of the health care needs of older people. It shares examples of best practice to ensure that older people are treated with dignity and respect and that wherever possible, older people live healthy, independent lives.

The BGS publishes statements of best practice, position papers, clinical guidelines on the management of specific conditions and audit results.

The BGS holds two scientific conferences each year, at which researchers present work into ageing and age-related conditions. The conferences include keynote speakers of international repute, platform and poster presentations and workshops.

The BGS also holds events on topical issues,, in order to foster multidisciplinary links and to further the professional education of members and non-members with an interest in older people’s health care needs.

contacts in United Kingdom


Tahir Masud

Dr. Consultant Phisician

R. D. Barber
+44 117 414 6445