A Geriatria es a Geriatriai beteg definicioja

A Geriatria az orvostudomanynak az a szakaga, mely az idő s betegek fizikai, mentalis, funkcionalis es szocialis allapotaval foglalkozik akut, kronikus, rehabilitacios, prevencios es az elet vegen szukseges gondozas-apolas vonatkozasaiban.

A betegeknek ezt a csoportjat nagyfoku elesettseg, raszorultsag es multimorbiditas jellemzi, mely holisztikus megkozelitest igenyel. A betegsegek a szokottol elterő en jelentkezhetne kidő skorban, gyakran nagyon nehezen diagnosztizalhatok, a kezeles hatasa hosszabb idő utan jelentkezik es gyakran szocialis tamogatast igenyelnek.

A Geriatria ezert meghaladja a szervekre specializalodott orvostudomanyi agakat, a betegek kezeleseben multidiszciplinaris jelleggel bir, fő celja az idő s betegek funkcionalis allapotanak optimalizalasa, eletminő seguknek es onallosaguknak javitasa.

A Geriatria nem egyertelmű en csak az eletkor altal meghatarozott tudomanyag, de az idő s betegekre jellemző tipikus korkepekkel foglalkozik. A legtobb beteg 65 evnel idő sebb, de a Geriatria altal kezelt problemak a 80 ev felettiekben valik altalanossa.
Tortenelmi es strukturalis okokbol elfogadott, hogy a Geriatria szervező dese az Europai Kozosseg tagallamaiban elterhet egymastol.

Health Care For Older Adults In europe

Article by Andreas Stuck and Tahir Masud.

Read it here - cklick


Presidential Message

 European Training Requirements Geriatric Medicine 

The European Training Requirements Geriatric Medicine were approved at the UEMS Council Meeting on 17 October 2020. Our next goals are to update the pregraduate training requirements and establish a (voluntary) European examination in Geriatric Medicine.

See the document here


Documents and Minutes from the virtuel meeting October 10, 2020 can now be found on "Board Only" page



 The autum meeting of the section was in Krakáw, Poland on the 28th of September after the suggessful EuGMS congress. There was a presentation of how geriatric medicine is organized in Poland. Also there were news from each country on how geriatric medicine is organized. The European Training Requirements for Geriatric Medicine, is now in its final stages and will soon be sent to the UEMS central organizaton for approval. The next steps are preparation of a European Exam in Geriatric Medicine. In the picture the group is enjoying the meeting and the good weather in Krakáw.


I write with grief as president of the UEMS section Geriatric Medicine, on behalf of all past and present representatives, to express our condolences with the loss of your beloved husband. We will miss his wisdom and knowledge of the history of Geriatric Medicine in Europe and beyond. It is a pity that a man who did so much for the healthcare and well being of older persons can not profit himself from the achievements that were made.

We hope that the sadness of his death will in time be replaced by the fond memories we all have of Jean, one of the Geriatric Giants.


Jaap Krulder, president of the UEMS-GMS


The spring meeting of the section was in Reykjavik on May the 11th 2019. There was a presentation of how geriatric medicine is organized in Iceland. The main discussion was about the European Training Requirements for Geriatric Medicine, which is now in its final stages. Hege Ihle-Hansen will be the Secretary of the section from January 2020. In the picture the group is enjoying the meeting and the surprisingly good weather in Iceland."

The autumn meeting of the section was in Berlin on the 13th of October 2018. There was a presentation of how geriatric medicine is organized in Germany. The main discussion was about the European Training Requirements for Geriatric Medicine, which is being written, and the plans for a European exam in geriatric medicine.  Jurate Macijauskiene from Lithuania was elected as president-elect. In the picture she is with Jaap Kulder the president of the section.

The meeting of the section in Vilnius on May the 5th 2018: The delegates discussed a plan for developing European Training Requirements for Geriatrics in 2018, and a vision for for a European process for certification in geriatric medicine. Also there was a presentation of geriatric medicine in Lithuania. It was a very productive meeting in beautiful Vilnius with a delicious dinner afterwards. 




See final minutes here

The meeting of the section in Nice on Sept 23, 2017: The delegates discussed new horizons for geriatric medicine in Europe, including the new geriatrics specialty title in France, a plan for developing European Training Requirements for Geriatrics in 2018, and a vision for for a European process for certification in geriatric medicine.


See the latest minutes from the Brussels-meeting in the Board Only-section


The meeting of the section in Brussels on the first of April:
The section was invited for a pre-conference dinner by the National Society of Belgian Specialists. The meeting took place at the Domus Medical Europaea in the heart of Brussels.


The meeting of the section in Lisbon on the 8th of October: The Portuguese press interviewed the local host and the president of the section, and published an article related to the importance of geriatrics for future health care.
